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Lookup DNS records of domain,fetch dns records,free online nslookup

On this page you can find reverse domain name server (dns) records lookup tool. The Domain Name System distributes the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to IP addresses by designating authoritative name servers for each domain. Here you can find all dns entries for domain.
Our dns records lookup fetch information about domain (hostname), additionaly we show geo location (domain's country name, domain's region name, domain's city, provider (Internet Service Provider (ISP)).
The Domain Name System makes it possible to assign domain names to groups of Internet users in a meaningful way, independent of each user's physical location. DNS record can contain next info: all domain IP's, A record (IPv4), CNAME record, HINFO record, domain MX records, domain NS records, PTR, SOA, TXT, AAAA, SRV, NAPTR, A6 IPv6, FQDN, Additional Records, Authoritative Name Servers. DNS records - it's one of most important part of domain settings,it naming system for computers, services, or any resource participating in the Internet. Lookup DNS records and domain country location lookup tool, fast link:
or (
*you can click to any domain in search result and get info about it too.

[] it's subdomain of []. Thats why [] can exist but [] not exist and [] can exist but [] - not.
According to our users suggestions, we add support of URL, now you can use DNS records lookup or free online nslookup tool for URL
new window:

COUNTRY NAME Russian Federation

Common records
host class ttl mname rname serial refresh retry expire minimum-ttl
mail.xn--80aackk1b.xn--p1ai IN 14400 5 86400 3600 86400 10800
mname: FQDN of the machine from which the resource records originated.
rname: Email address of the administrative contain for this domain.
serial: Serial # of this revision of the requested domain.
refresh: Refresh interval (seconds) secondary name servers should use when updating remote copies of this domain.
retry: Length of time (seconds) to wait after a failed refresh before making a second attempt.
expire: Maximum length of time (seconds) a secondary DNS server should retain remote copies of the zone data without a successful refresh before discarding.
minimum-ttl: Minimum length of time (seconds) a client can continue to use a DNS resolution before it should request a new resolution from the server.

host class ttl target
mail.xn--80aackk1b.xn--p1ai IN 14400
mail.xn--80aackk1b.xn--p1ai IN 14400
target: FQDN of the name server which is authoritative for this hostname.

host class ttl ip
mail.xn--80aackk1b.xn--p1ai IN 14400
ip: An IPv4 addresses in dotted decimal notation.

host class ttl ipv6
mail.xn--80aackk1b.xn--p1ai IN 14400 2a00:f940:4::152
ipv6: IPv6 address