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Online free email verification,verify email address exist,check email address

On this page you can online verify email address, it's verify if an email address exist, check online. It's real full process of e-mail verification starting from checking/validating email for syntax, and finishing with connecting to email server with verify your e-mail address request. Check email address as usual going from 1 sec up to 20 sec, the biggest part of time taking connection and writing/reading requests. How to verify if an email address is real (how to check existing email address): replace "enter E-MAIL here" with address and click "Go".
Notice: if this tool showing that "e-mail exist" - you can be sure for 100% that it really exist, if tool showing "unknown (some services..." it is result of policies of mail server (for example aol mail service). Notice: php email verification tool working in debug mode (specially for our users) - you can see all actions that going (email server connection, sending headers, getting answer codes and analysis it, ...)
Related tools:hotmail email search for exist, msn live email search for exist, gmail email search for exist.
What is Simple Mail Validation: There are many articles, from very simple to extremely complex, that show you how to make sure email addresses are valid. Remember that they are all just guessing. Simple validation basically checks that there's one "@" and one ".". In extreme cases some even check for malformed IP addresses! This level of validation is called "syntax checking". This is one of the most complete free email verification you can perform because we actually connect to the mail server and check that the mailbox and username are existing.
Email verification tool fast link: , see also our Verify Email List and Bulk Email Checker
 WIKI links : How email works,   how does an email server work,   what is email

Not for all email servers possible to do free reverse email lookup for exist, because lots of servers using special conditons for deny email transfer, for example using it's own verify list of senders.
Why it's working too long? Some mail server take about 60 seconds for get answer about mail existing, unfortunately we can do noting with it, pls wait for answer.

sorry but email is not valid

Debug info: