Here you can find
what is my user agent,http user agent info and
browser user agent information.
It's showing you
user agent data and
user agent browser,header, browser branch, name, full name and many-many others.
All data that you can see here fetched on server side (without JavaScript), so not any guarantee that some smarty jscript like Google Analytics can't know more info about your browser and system.
Our PHP browser detection scripts are all tested on every browser we have access to,
from Opera 4-9, Mozilla 0.9-1.8, Firebird 0.6/0.7, Firefox 0.8-3.5, Netscape 2-4, 6.2, 7.0,
to IE 4.x-8.x, Galeon, K-Meleon, Lynx, Safari / Konqueror, and Mac IE browsers like IE 5.1 and 5.2.
HTTP USER AGENT - it's your user agent from request.
Browser branch name - it's common name if browser (for example for all versions of Firefox 2 (2.0.102, 2.0.104) it will be Firefox 2.0
Browser full name - version on full browser name (example Mozilla/Firefox, looking like in
http user agent info
ProductSub - biggest part of cases it's date of browser update, in case of Linux and Firefox - can be like "20081216".
Additonal Info section - information about supporting technologies by browser (cookie,iframe, and other).
This tool is very simple, giving lots
user agent detail information,
fast link:
For changing ua can be used User Agent Switcher. The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
The typical usage is to allow access to sites that restrict access based on the browser being used.
Switching the user agent does not make the browser render a page like another browser and is not guaranteed to fix issues with every site.
But sometimes sites generating different content for different browsers, thats is why with using brow user agent string - it's can be lots of issues on page.
Sites can also use non-standard code that does not work in the browser, or working with specific set of browsers (for example lots of sites about linux - working fine only on firefox).